We build and install Timbertunnels throughout Scotland and Northern England.
Read on to find out more about our installation service.
What’s Involved
We fabricate all the timbertunnel parts ourselves in our workshops and can come to install at any location in Scotland including islands, and Northern England. We’ll talk you through the entire process and it will normally take 3-4 days for us to complete the tunnel. We offer installations from April to October.
Our smallest 2.4m wide tunnel is pre-assembled in the workshop and delivered to you on a trailer, and is installed in a day, all year round.
Site Requirements
Timbertunnels need to be built on flat and level ground, and we will need at least 0.5m clearance around the tunnel footprint.
If you are planning to grow your crops directly in the ground then it would be worth testing the soil conditions or adding raised beds.
In order to install the groundscrew foundations we require a soil depth of at least 80cm before hitting rock. We will need you to hammer in a test screw for us so we know the ground conditions and can select the best foundation type. Our preference is ground screws, but we can also use steel posts and concrete if the ground isn’t suitable. Timbertunnels can also be build on a concrete base.
Ground Preparation
We do not undertake any ground preparation – you must do this before we arrive on site. We will need a level, cleared site. “Level” means less than 5cm variation across the area. We also recommend that you have some gravel available to backfill around the tunnel base to cover any gaps and help water to drain away from the tunnel. If your ground is prone to waterlogging or you are digging into a slope, consider digging French drains.
Our installations are guaranteed for windspeeds up to 100mph for 3 years against any failures in the design or materials. The polycarbonate panels are guaranteed by the manufacturer for 10 years (excluding labour).
The lifespan of a Timbertunnel is expected to be in excess of 20 years. Individual polycarbonate sheets can be replaced should they be damaged.
We can provide the following customisations for your tunnel.
- Raised beds (max 30cm high)
- Potting bench
- Double doors